Thursday 16 July 2009


Doesn't it suck when theres something you really wanna get off your chest, but can't either coz it'd be inappropriate, or coz you plain don't feel like you can?

Well, I've found myself in that situation many a time, and this time is no exception to the others. Argh, what to do... :S

Tuesday 14 July 2009


Ello all, and welcome to me blog.

Never really done this whole blog thing before, so thought I'd give it a whack, see how it goes. I've always got all sorts of thoughts of rants in my head, and usually have no way of setting them free, so this seemed like the ideal place to put them. If people are interested in it, they can read it, and if they're not, just avoid it. Simple as :)

So anyway, where am I right now? I've not long moved back home from 3 years at uni, so my head is awash with all kinds of thoughts and emotions. It's safe to say that the past 3 years I spent at uni were the best of my life. Easily. Not only have they been the most fun, but also the most character-building and confidence-boosting for me. I entered uni a jibbering lil wreck who couldn't talk anyone, and now I'm the opposite, a lovely transformation. I also met some of the best people in the world, people who it was a pleasure to spend most of the past 3 years with. I know I'll see them again, but tis lame that they are no longer simply a short walk away when I wanna see them. Then there are some people I only met rather late in my time at uni, that I wish more than anything I'd been able to spend more time with, but I'm beyond happy that I got to meet them and get to know them at least! Anyhoo, I could literally type for hours about that, talking about individual people and all that, but I'm pretty sure all they people concerned know who they are :)

I wouldn't trade my uni experience for anything in world. Sure, I feel I coulda made more of it, and feel part of it was ruined by a certain someone, but I will literally never forget it. Now I've moved home, all I seem to do is go over it all in my head haha. Home life is pretty boring after uni I reckon. I loved the whole having my own house with some mates and living our own lives, but now I'm back I feel so stifled, and have almost nothing to do. Sad as it is, I had way more friends at uni than I do here, and was always doing so much more when there. Buuut, a new life is just beginning, so I'm sure I'll meet loadsa new awesome people along the way. I'll never never forget anyone else though, so don't worry :P

I'm sure I've got loads more to say, but I'm reeeeally tired atm, and can't think of anything else worth saying, so I reckon I'll call it a day now. From now on, there'll be all sorts of random posts on here as I get a new batch of thoughts that I feel like venting.

Ta ta for now!

Matt x